Friday, December 30, 2005


So many bloggers are reviewing the year 2005.... guess I should at least summarize my year for posterity.... Slogged at studies... got a job... slogged at work.... slogged at studies as well as work.... got a new job.... slogged even harder at work... continued slogging at studies.... met some great people at work.... became friends with most of them... became close to a select few.... that made the work seem easier.... continued slogging at studies.... fell in love.... tried to convince myself it wasn't love.... confused myself thoroughly..... fell out of favor.... still in love.... but both have gone separate ways.... still in love.... continue working harder than ever at studies as well as on the job.... only way I can forget her..... still in love....

(This review must have made ur life seem much much better than the angst-ridden life of this guy, right?.... I certainly hope that my blog makes someone else feel a little better about their own life.... That's one of the purposes for all this..... I like to believe that I am an entertainer.... Are you not entertained? (I remember hearing such a line in the movie - Gladiator....) Hope you had fun.... ;)

I dedicate the year 2005 and all the posts made in 2005 to my beautiful muse. She's the one who awakened the sleeping poet in me.... I owe the bulk of my posts to her.... I love her immensely (not romantically, silly!) and adore her daily..... All I have to do is close my eyes, and I can see her beautiful smile....I can hear her laughter even in my dreams.... she calms my soul.... she inspires me to be a better person.... she's awesome! ..... I am blessed to have met her... to get the chance to know her..... my muse..... she's the best! ..... my muse.... she's my best friend!....

Happy New Year to one and all!


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