Just the other day, as I endured another seemingly never-ending commute to the office, I witnessed yet another incident that only reinforced my pessimism .... about where the earth is headed ..... soon enough most people will not die and go to Hell .... they will be born into it! ... I guess death would only be a pause in the journey to the next Hell .... bleak times ahead ? I sure think so!
Well, I was seated towards the far end of the packed bus, when I saw them board the bus from the designated exit at the front of the bus, to avoid the crowd that thronged the entrance at the rear of the bus. There they were - an aged couple, frail, wizened and grey ... carrying oversized (and crude) walking sticks to compensate for their lack of balance ... they made their way into the bus with quite a bit of difficulty ... (their walking sticks were not helping matters) .... the crowd made just enough space for them to approach the seat reserved for senior citizens ... but ...
... far from immediately vacating the seat, the two middle-aged men (the imbeciles!) who occupied the seat, ignored the couple and flatly refused to budge ... they ignored all requests from the couple ... and when other commuters requested them, they asked them to stay out of it ... For a couple of minutes, the couple had a really bad time as they could not endure the throng, and were constantly jolted by the insanely plentiful potholes ... (while the two imbeciles were rooted to the seat that was not rightfully theirs). Finally, out of pity, two other commuters (God bless them) vacated their seats and stood up to endure the jolts and the throng that those two imbeciles should've endured!
The sad part is the apathy that I saw in most commuters. While the imbiciles (who were well educated, mind you!) were obvious villains, most of the crowd was no better. Many harsh comments were made ... suggestions that the couple should've taken a taxi if they couldn't handle the crowd (even when it was obvious that they were too poor to afford it) .... on how they were taking up so much space (due to their hunched posture & the walking sticks) and how they constantly bumped into nearby commuters (due to their lack of balance)
This apathy ... the jungle mentality - survival of the fittest ... now pervades all sections of society ... educated, uneducated, rich or poor ... no one cares for anyone else ... if someone has tripped, people walk all over him and view him only as a hindrance in their path ... people either step over him (the kind-hearted lot) or they step on him not even breaking their stride (the normal lot) ... but will anyone help him up? .... No way! No one has the time for that! ... everyone has got some place to go ... some place to be ... someone to meet .... some money to make ....
Well, will those imbeciles never grow old? Are they counting on the world to finish them off in their youth itself? Don't they have parents who are old? How about if someone treated them or their family members in such a manner? Are they ready to handle the apathy that they dished out to others?
I've been here for only 25 years .... but I know one thing for sure ... What goes around comes around ... You only reap what you sow ... hence, if you sow apathy ... you'll reap apathy .... Be sure of that!
.... I remember the (true) sad story of a couple who passed the site of an accident in their luxury car, without stopping to help. Other cars also whizzed by, drivers just giving the bleeding motorbike rider a cursory glance. Pedestrians gathered nearby, whispering amongst themselves, but not offering any assistance.... Apathy at its peak?... Read on ... Well, later that night, the couple got a phone call from the police. Their only son had bled to death after a truck rammed against his motorbike .... and then sped off into the night. He could have been saved, had he been taken to the hospital in time ... but no one bothered to stop and help ... no one had the time ... "let the police handle it" was probably what they were thinking .... Imagine the horror of the couple when they heard the location of the accident! .... They had passed their dying son, and had not bothered to help, just some hours ago.... Thus, they joined the throng of drivers and pedestians who killed the biker just by their apathy ....
I know that this was an extreme example of apathy and its consequences ... but this really happened ... and it saddens me to think of the world that awaits the coming generation ... but, all that could change ... if a few of us stopped living in selfish world and took the time to care for fellow humans ... after all, we may be the ones needing the help someday ....
Wow, I rambled a lot! But, I really think it's an important issue ... we need to remember that we are not the only ones who are flesh and blood and who have feelings ... we need a little empathy for our fellow humans ... then and only then is there any hope for the world!
I brought a lot of work home today as the office was evacuated today .... a safety measure when a fire broke out near our office building (probably a leaking gas pipe) ... traffic was blocked on the busy road opposite our office and so I witnessed the mother of all traffic jams as I started home ... I walked part of the way and then got a Rickshaw (a three-wheeler taxi cab) home ... guess I'll clear some of the piled up office work tommorow .... there goes the holiday I was so excited about! ... :) ... or is it :( lolz ... I think I love my work ... so it's :) !